Dawn Chan

Dawn Chan
Dawn Chan is a senior lecturer at Bard College's Center for Curatorial Studies and a freelance writer who has frequently contributed to the New York Times. You can also find her journalism, criticism, and essays in ArtReview, the Atlantic.com, Bookforum, the New Yorker.com, New York Magazine, the Paris Review, Spike Art Magazine, and the Village Voice. The recipient of a Thoma Foundation art writing award in digital art and a Warhol Arts Writers Grant, she also formerly wrote for Artforum, where she worked as an editor in the 2010s.

Dawn's writing has been anthologized in volumes ranging from Science Fiction (Whitechapel/MIT Press, 2020) to Intersubjectivities, vol. 4 (Sternberg Press, forthcoming) to Best, Letters from Asian Americans in the Arts (Paper Monument, 2021). She has written essays for catalogs and publications put out by the Sharjah Biennial, Taipei Biennial, and the Okayama Arts Summit. She has guest-lectured at RISD, MICA, NYU, SAIC, and the Guggenheim Museum symposium "Technology is History."

With friends and former colleagues, Dawn is also working on November, an editorial project launched in 2020 featuring long-form interviews on art, media, politics, and architecture.